Thursday, October 27, 2011

When do you turn off?

When do you "turn off"?

As coaches, crossfitters, parents, husbands, wives, children, friends, lovers, and generally busy people we are during every second of every day... well... busy. (Insert sad face here).

This is the result of taking on many responsibilities, wearing many hats and having lots to do to "stay on top": keep up with the Joneses - pay the rent - pay the car - do well at your job (is doing well good enough?) - be a better athlete - be the best athlete - lean up - eat well (cook a lot) - make it to the meeting(s) on time - answer e-mail (52 in the past hour?) - visit family - take supplements - roll out - mobilize - answer e-mails - meet with clients - PT - another meeting... ARE YOU STRESSED OUT YET?

That's when you step back, take a deep breath and realize it's all a game. That's right - life is a game. You get to choose when and how you play, what you play and by what rules you play. Everything is a choice: when you wake up, when you go to sleep, when you work, when you play, when you WOD and when you don't. Then you get to decide to what level you do each of these things. 

Over the past month, all of this has been especially clear in my life. As things change at CrossFit Central, CC ATX and the RedBlack Gym, we are asking a lot of ourselves and those that we work with. It is not good enough to be good. We must be the best. Not because anyone has told us so, but because it simply is what we do. We do it because we do it. 

In striving to be the best in the world at something, naturally there comes a time when you have to step back and ask yourself: When do I turn this thing off? When do I rest? When do I take a moment to myself to think, reflect and breathe?

For those of you out there with a macho bravado and disdain for all things yoga and "lite", your quick reply might be:

"Ha! I can sleep when I'm dead. #Hustlegrindanddoworkbitches. Rest is for the weak... " 

That may be the case, but show me a man or woman who does not take care of themselves and I will show you a person who: 

a) Is inefficient in the workplace and not performing to their potential.
b) Is tired, grumpy, injured, and unhealthy (mentally, physically or spiritually).
c) Hates life or at the minimum where they currently are in life.

So the big question is: WHEN DO YOU TURN IT OFF?

-Do you find yourself staying up until Midnight when you have to wake up at 5:00 AM?
-Are you attached to your iPhone or CrackBerry: checking e-mail, tweeting, texting, calling ad nauseum?
-Do you skip meals, workouts, quality time with friends and family in the name of finishing a task that could easily be done later with the same result?
-Do you work even when you are done with work?

Your health, sanity and well-being cannot be overstated. 

Please note, I am NOT advocating a lazy-man's shrug it off, it's not that important, fall-behind, procrastinate and suck-at-what-you-do lifestyle. Actually, I advocate the opposite. 

Work 100%. Play 100%. Party 100%.


There must be clear and defined boundaries in one's life. "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under Heaven." 

Live in the moment. That is all there is; all we have. When it is time to work, work. When it is time to play, play. When it is time to love, love. And when it is time to pause, reflect, recuperate and rejuvenate - do that!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The CrossFitter's Creed

1. Do not think you can master CrossFit or achieve elite fitness in a day. It may take an entire lifetime to learn. Keep showing up. Be consistent even when you don't feel like it. Consistency is the key.

2. "Virtuosity" is performing the common uncommonly well. Master your body and the mechanics of the movement. Practice the fundamentals. Then add speed and intensity.

3. Promise to do your best. Your best may vary from day to day from hour to hour from minute to minute. But in that minute do the best you can.

4. If you can run, run. If you have to walk, walk. If you are forced to crawl, crawl and then rest and survive to fight another day.

5. Fear no man but fear your workout. If you don't fear your workout it isn't hard enough.

6. You may puke, you may cry, but I do not quit. Ever.

7. Never cheat. There is no honor in cheating. What joy can there be in a victory that you did not earn?

8. Check your ego at the door. Have the courage, humility and curiosity to ask questions and ask for help. Be willing to be a student. Be willing to share with others.

9. So be afraid... be inspired... be angry... be strong... be weak... be passionate... be yourself... be ALIVE and be CrossFit!

10. Welcome! You are about to find out who you are and what you are made of!

Borrowed from CrossFit LA. Thank you for your hospitality and friendship.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Makes me want to get back on the field...

Turn the music down on both of these... Just enjoy the brilliant athleticism of these amazing men at work.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I have the best athletes in the world.

I do. I coach some of the best people I know. They don't always crush WODs, though they often do. They might not make it to the games this year, but they train like they will. They show up every morning and (almost) never complain about the self-inflicted torture they are about to endure. These are the people I want to be around at 5:30, 6:30 and 11:45 everyday. They make mornings worth waking up for, are thoughtful, intelligent and always seeking to improve and better themselves physically, mentally and spiritually. They seem to always be around no matter if it's a competition, social event or a random weekend. They help in so many ways, and their efforts are invaluable. They care about each other, they care about CrossFit and they care about me.

Thank you to:

Connie Hoekje 
Brian Doyal
Jeff Vanlandingham 
Jeff Morgan
Whitney Welsch 
Tim Bougie
Ryan Lommel 
Mark Brazzel 
Melissa Feliz 
Zac Hughes
Chad Vasquez 
Brittany McKenna
Megan Parsons 
Walter Stokes 
Richard White
Nyki Helmcamp
Chelsea Ross 
Jessica Clarke
Jonathan Haynes

Special thanks to Melissa, Chad, Zac, Ryan and Mark for the AMAZING and unexpected birthday present. You made my month!